Similar Candidates helps you easily discover profiles that closely match a specific candidate's profile. It helps you find individuals who share common properties like Skills, Experience, Location, Designation, and Qualification. You can also see Matching percentiles that will be displayed to you, indicating the degree of similarity between candidates' profiles and the specific candidate profile. Only candidates with a matching score of 50 percentile or higher will be shown.

Navigation Link:


Step 1: Click on the candidate module on the left-hand side of the menu.



Step 2:  Click on any candidate to open their profile in the candidate view dialogue box.




Step 3:  Click on the three dots icon at the top and select the option for similar candidates.



Now you can see all the similar candidates, of that candidate.




Step 4:  You can also access additional actions by clicking on the "More Actions" button located at the bottom.

More actions are as follows:

1.  Send Mass Email

2.  Add to Talent Pool

3.  Send Email

4.  Send Profile Update Request




Step 5:  You can assign jobs to these candidates by selecting them and clicking on the "Assign Job" button at the bottom.



Select the job you would like to assign to the candidate, and then click the 'Assign Job' button located at the bottom.


Note: Only candidates with a matching score of 50 percentile or higher will be shown.